Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something Simple

We were given a simple exercise to do on our first day of training at MTI.  The exercise is to write 5 things from the day that gave you joy.  It was interesting to assign this task on our very first day because many of us had traveled longs hours, some with children, to get there.  Many (us included) were worn out and travel weary.  At first it was hard to think of 5 things that really brought me joy.  But as I looked back on the day there were several thing - many very simple.  I've been making my list of 5 things for the past 4 days now.  It has been such an amazing blessing to stop and recognize how God LAVISHES his blessing on us EACH and EVERY day.  So many times we just get through the day and never realize it.  I highly encourage you to try it!

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