Sunday, April 26, 2009

Focus on the Family

We had the opportunity to be out and about this weekend.  It was great to have a break and 'get away'!  We went to tour the Focus on the Family facility.  It was really neat!  They actually have a whole floor that is designed just like The Odyssey.  (Natalie - we took several pictures just for you!)  We went with our friends the Evan's and the Partin's.  Here are some of our pictures from the weekend. 
See that crazy slide...Ella was too short, and John was too tall...but Jennie was just right.

Ella with new Friends Joy and Dave

Come on Mom and take the picture already....I've got stuff to do!

I'm not sure who had more fun...Ella or John

The dressing up has begun!

Through the wardrobe to Narnia

Ella and John in Narnia


Bringing Love to Life said...

I MISS YOU !!!! ... we miss all of you .... I'm sooo exhausted so just a quick hey tonight. We've just walked in the door. We drive until 2 am last night and then drove all day today- yuck !


Kate said...

Hi John- Not sure if you remember me. Kate Magro, met you at the ABF conference. I am the one who used to be the RD of Baker Roush at Huntington. Anyway, I am headed off to Uganda with Food for the Hungry GoED (yeah!) And am headed out to MTI May 25th was curious about what things would be helpful to pack (Jenny might be able to answer this question even better) Any input would be awesome and appreciated. Praying for your preparations as I make my own :) My email is "". Thanks!