Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ella and Sam

One of the great blessings about our group here at MTI is the high number of children.  They all get along so well and enjoy playing together.  Because we are all living together, there are always playmates around for Ella to play with.  She has met so many wonderful friends since we have been here.  

There is one little boy named Sam that is especially special for Ella.  He and Ella were born on the very same day, just one hour apart.  They even both have curly hair.  It's been a joy to watch them play and laugh together!  


Kate said...

Glad to see that Ella has a good friend and you are all doing well. Tell Ella her aunt is jealous of her curly hair! Keep posting, it is fun to see what you are up to.

Melissa said...

Yay! Sweet post. Glad the world gets to see Sam in the pink stroller :-)