Monday, November 23, 2009

Prayers for Baby Micah

Many of you know from previous posts that we are so blessed to have another American family here in Sucre with us, who also works for FH. This weekend, Derek, Claire and Noelia were blessed when Claire gave birth to a baby boy, Micah. The birth was a bit of a surprise as little Micah came a few weeks early, but not early enough to be considered a premie.

However, after Micah was born, it was evident by his blueish tint that he was not able to breath well enough on his own to get enough oxygen. He was rushed across the street to a larger hospital that has a NICU and put in an incubator with an oxygen hood. (The only NICU in town.) They also found out that Micah has some kind of infection, what kind they are not sure of yet. Micah seemed to be improving, until Saturday, when he started to go down hill quickly. He is currently on a respirator and more stable than he was on Saturday. But he is still fighting an infection which seems to be preventing him from gaining enough strength to breath on his own.

Please take a moment as you read this blog to lift little Micah and his family up in prayer. They would all greatly appreciate it. I will forward on to the family any comments, words of encouragement, or Bible verses you may have for them.

I will try to update his progress on our blog as I know more.

Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Praying now, and thankful that nothing, even third world countries and scary NICUs can separate Micah's family from the love of Christ.