Friday, May 8, 2009

“A Glimpse of God”

I don’t know that I have ever been known for my poetic skills but I will give it a shot.  I would love to share a poem with you that I wrote for Jennie on Mothers Day.  I believe there is no greater reflection of God’s love to me than through the devoted caring practices of my loyal and loving wife.  Ella and I want her to know we love her on this special day.  


“A Glimpse of God”


I thank God today for the women he’s given

To brighten my life and help me enjoy livin’


She’s loving and serving and faithful and free

She makes feel special, she’s just right for me


A gift that grows deeper each day that we live

She pours out her life so much does she give 


As a mother she excels and goes the extra mile

The depth of her giving we shall never unpile 


An extraordinary mom that loves without asking

She serves my daughter Ella in her joy we live basking


I see in my Ella her beauty and love

Such joy that only comes from the gracious God above


She’s “mommy”, and “mine” and “thank you” and “now”

She’s always teaching and loving and forgiving somehow 


Her faith and patience we daily admire

Her presence and company we always desire


A woman with gifts that never seem to end

My wife, my partner, my best friend


May she always know how precious she is

A blessing to us and a daughter of HIS


Thank you Jennie there’s so much we could say

But we’ll end with WE LOVE YOU and ….




Melissa said...

How wonderful-- yay, Jennie!!!

Bringing Love to Life said...

What a beautiful poem for precious Jennie ! If I could add one more line.....Jennie is so dear to me , she's always in my reach. This year for her Mothers Day gift I'm taking her to see a dear friend who happens to be AT THE BEACH !!!!! (maybe???? )

We love you guys,